July 7, 2024


Dr. David Hawkins' research found:

‣ One person living and vibrating to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others (310) will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 people who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

‣ One person living and vibrating to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life (500) will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 pe...Read More

June 22, 2024

And now its June 22, 2024

Time is flying by faster than ever.  My birthday was June 1 and its hard to imagine I have taken these many twirls around the sun!  I have always been drawn to the flower of life and I am beginning to do more research into this sacred geometry.  I am working away on my dissertation paper for my docterate in metaphysics, holistic life counselling and hope to have that complete before Christmas.  Learning has always been a big part of my life.  So here is a really in...Read More

May 6, 2024

Its May...Crazy

The energies are crazy with big change right now.  We got our systems moved to AWS which is amazing as we have no more hardware to be concerned about with much more power.  And the costs is amazing.  Baby Caragh is 7 months today...and in that teenage terrorizing stage.  But just the best.  Next dog show is mid June so will have pictures and hopefully ribbons...but it is all about the fun as she does her certified service dog training...such a good good girl. ...Read More

March 3, 2024

And its March 3, 2024

Time seems to be on super sonic speed these days.  Sigh...Well my new baby  Bouvier Caragh went to her first dog show yesterday.  Savanna is my amazing dog walker/trainer and had never shown a dog before let alone a puppy, and was a Super Star with her.  Caragh won Best Baby Puppy for her Breed and 1st in her class of Herding Puppies.  Big deal for her first time out.  So thank you Savanna.  Good job by you both.  Next show is at the Saanichton Fair...Read More

February 3, 2024

Wow It is February 3, 2024

Time is flying.  This is heart month.  I have a new 4 month old Bouvier puppy.  My dear friend Mary picked her up in Toronto and flew with her back to Victoria, B.C.  As Mary says this puppy is totally zen.  She was purchased as Elle, my blonde Bouvier is 10 now and getting older.  Elle wasn't thrilled with the black bug in the beginning but they have come to a detante...Caragh, the Irish spelling for CARA which means beloved, is going to begin her training to...Read More

December 31, 2023

Wishing You a Joyous, Love-Filled, Prosperous 2024!

Well It has been a wild 2023 but end well as on December 14, 2023 my lawyer finally my Supreme Court into the public court domain.  I am just waiting for the date which will be fall or later 2024.  The relief in my body is tangible as all about the old Patriarchal power over of coercive control and I intend it to be a transformative accountability and consequential case not just for me but for all people subjected to this kind of abuse without justice.  The court system is v...Read More

November 12, 2023

Ok. This Gramma is now an official Swiftie!

The turmoil of the world has me looking at Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce with gratitude.  Their new romance brings joy in such a time of madness.  Two good people finding each other and letting us all in on it is amazing.  Love, kindness, and compassion are the bridge to peace for our planet.  May the love and joy they share for one another raise the collective consciousness back up as the darkness continues to attempt to shred our higher levels of consciousness.  We cannot know peace...Read More

November 6, 2023

A Peace Chant for our World

Source:  OmVajrapaniHum

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September 23, 2023

September 30, 2023 - Truth and Reconciliation Day!

The Truth and Reconciliation Education Virtual Lunch Series Sept. 25, 2023 to Sept. 29, 2023.  Sign up here:  https://nctr.ca/education/coming-soon-truth-and-reconciliation-week-2023/

I don't think I will ever come to really understand how those cloaked in God's clothing could believe that the genocide of the indigenous people and their culture was what God would support.  But from my perspective, that God those dark beings worshipped was false.  The power ove...Read More

September 17, 2023

Fall Equinox is almost here

Friday September 22, 2023 is the official day of Fall.  So we have four days left to enjoy summer.  Here on the West Coast we have had a gorgeous summer with mostly sun.  But with that came the fires which will only increase as Climate Change marches on.  We will see more and more crazy types of storms but we will get through them.  More and more people are waking up and understanding that they can do something about it and are putting their personal, family and co...Read More

July 22, 2023

Time is Flying By

Well I can't believe it is July 22, 2023 and a month has flown by since my last blog on the new course.  Research still on going but plan to have the outline up by Monday.  Hope your summer is going well.  The weather is gorgeous and reminds me of the summers when I was a child.  It is in an interesting in the world and a great time to be alive and contributing to all the positive changes going on.  Always keep the faith as the old power over paradigm crumbles and...Read More

June 17, 2023

Aiseiri Ascension: Optimizing The Chakra Energy Systems for AgelessThrival- New Course Sept 20, 2023

Hi, how are you all doing?  After several years of being unable to write any new courses, I am researching and writing a chakra system clearing, optimizing, harmonizing, and cohering  course for launch in late September.  This will be the foundation for AgelessThrival.  We traditionally work with the 7 or 9 chakras; earth, root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown, and soul chakras.  The new program will  include Amit Ray's 114 chakra system findings to assure the e...Read More

June 4, 2023

Summer Solstice is Approaching!

It is already June 4th so where does the time go.  June 21, 2023 at 07:57 am we usher in the Summer Solstice or mid-summer when the Earth axis is at its maximum tilt toward the Sun.  It happens once a year in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.  We will also have the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere with the most amount of sunlight. 

The Summer Solstice is also an important time for the Magical Faery Kingdom.  The veil between the Hum...Read More

May 21, 2023

Happy Birthday Super Gram and its Gemini Sun time!

I love Tara who is the Sage Goddess Astrologer.  She co-teaches the Astrology class I am taking with Sage Goddess.  So enjoy this.  Join Tara in this episode of Astro Talks as she delves into Air Signs Astrology. Gain insights into the unique characteristics of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius and how to work with their energies for personal growth and success. Whether you're an astrology enthusiast or a newcomer to the field, this video will surely broaden your understanding of...Read More

May 6, 2023

Rebecca Hennessy's Here I Am

Rebecca is the talented singer-songwriter/musician daughter of a dear friend Nancy who transitioned in February 2019.  She was way to young to leave.  Enjoy this beautiful tribute to an incredible woman by her loving daughter. 

Rebecca's words:  I wrote this poem after my incredible mother passed away and turned into this song shortly after. I’m excited to share this live performance of it filmed by Southern Souls featuring Michael Herring and Kevin B...Read More

May 3, 2023

Pathological Optimism!

A very interesting term my Doctor used in describing my outlook on life.  Since going down into this wheelchair, my mobility will restore, my cup half full true beingness has got me through some of the darkest moments of releasing the trauma in my Nervous System that blocked my neuron pathways to my legs.  I deal with reality but when you understand that these are ancestral and soul lessons with its own Divine Timing the pathological pity party would be detrimental to my recovery...Read More

April 23, 2023

Ancestral Healing - A Hathor Planetary Meditation Through Tom Kenyon

It has been a bit since I have read a new Tom Kenyon meditation from the Hathors.  So here is the information and how you get to the meditation.  Healing our ancestral trauma is essential to quality longevity and the health of our planet and Omniverse.  Enjoy.  I love you!

You are the current blossoming of your ancestral tree. And as such you might be living not only your own life but the lives of your ancestors as well. By this rather odd statement we mean th...Read More

April 10, 2023

The Dalai Lama controversy! A BIG Sickening Shock!

This announcement was a gut kick but should I be surprised in today's world how things get revealed?  We will be taking down anything Dalai Lama-related as power over doesn't work for me, especially with the kind of power the Dalai Lama wields with humanity, especially children.  An apology doesn't cut it for me.  The excuse oh he was being playful.  Really??? Completely inappropriate and if he didn't know better he should be stepping down.  I won't have anything t...Read More

April 3, 2023

Rule of Law and Democracy

Tomorrow April 4, 2023 is my mother's birthday in heaven and the day Loser45 is indicted.  It is a great sign of what is to come of further revealing of the truths of the patriarchy and its continued transformation from power over into empowerment.

The world court issued an arrest warrant for Putin for alleged war crimes in the illegal war again Ukraine.  Another sign of recognizing that power over is over.  We will see how this all plays out but I love the energy it b...Read More

March 20, 2023

Happy Spring Equinox!

The crocuses and daffodils are up and most likely the tulips although I don't have any in this home!  Spring is traditionally the time of rebirth and renewal.  So what are you doing in your life to renew your strategies.  I am getting my book prepared to launch first as a downloadable e-book.  Still haven't decided on its title as so far what is being shown isn't that uplifting.  LOL, and bottom line everything I work on is about positive change.  And as is th...Read More

March 2, 2023

Wow! It is March and almost Spring

I am very excited as we are expecting grandson number 9 and number 10 overall this month.  Spring is such a wonderful time to have a child.  Well any time is really but typically with Spring is the rebirth and renewal of all things...So stay tuned more to come...I love you and always grateful to you!

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January 16, 2023

Helping People to Live Fully and Be Remembered Well!

These are the words my friend Maria Verdicchio uses to describe her profession as an End of Life Designer.  I have known Maria for almost 30 years as we met through our mutual amazing friend Barb S.  So when we re-connected last week I was so intrigued by her work as this is part and parcel of what AgelessThrival is all about.  So many people have such a deep rooted fear of death and as Maria says it is really the fear of living their best life.  So here is the link to...Read More

December 31, 2022

Wishing You Joy, Peace, and Prosperity for 2023!

Well 2022 is about to roll out as 2023 rolls in.  2023 is a 7 year.  7 is the Sacred Number so it is time for even deeper reflection and release of whatever is no longer serving you.  I have a new class that is sitting in the Creator energies waiting to be downloaded so I am hoping I will have the energy to get that written soon.  It has been a difficult few years for me with my mobility blocked from overwhelming grief.  The pain levels have finally reduced by 95%...Read More

December 14, 2022

Pluto Enters Aquarius for the Big Shift Dec. 16, 2022

My teacher Athena of sagegoddess.com and Tara of Living Astrology are discussing Pluto changing signs into Aquarius on Friday.  So if you want their insights tune in at 5 pm PST Friday, Dec. 16, 2022, on youtube.com

Pluto is changing signs in 2023! This transit happens about every 20 years, shifting our lives and society significantly 🦋 Pluto entering Aquarius is the doorway to a collective new generation with new rules, voices, and opportunities. Be strong and confront things...Read More

December 12, 2022


Well over the last while I have been watching reels starring these amazing young men, jacksun Fryer, and Carlow Rush of Funkanometry.  They are from Vancouver Island, BC.  Nanaimo and Cowichan...Yup my birth area and hometown until I moved to Vancouver to go to SFU in 1989...Their style is unique and really uplifting.  They bring a smile to my lips and joy to my heart so I wanted to feature them on this blog.  I hope you enjoy them as much as do.  Even Annie Lennox...Read More

Watch the Video

December 4, 2022

Well the Holiday Season is here!

Christmas has always been my favourite seasonal holiday.  This year my daughters and 7 grandchildren will be coming over on the 13th to decorate Gramma's house.  I have not been able to decorate since 2018...Why will be revealed next year...I am very excited as I haven't had these 7 grandchildren all together ever...I will be missing my Charlie in Toronto and Ethan in Florida but we will be on zoom for a bit.  Thank goodness for Zoom and other like platforms.  Decoratin...Read More

November 5, 2022

The lawn guy is here!

 Being in this wheelchair, although temporary, has really challenged my life and children's life in so many ways.  I love to garden and do yard work but as I can't I now have this great lawn and snow removal service.  The kids got me moved after I got the infamous reno-viction at the end of August and the home is lovely but the yard was a mess.  So this morning voila, Mike shows up and he is on a mission to tidy and edge so that when I sit on my front porch with Elle it...Read More

October 30, 2022

Samhain or Halloween as it has become!

Samhain marks the Celtic New Year, the end of summer and the end of the harvest.  Many believe it is the time when the veil between the living in Earthly bodies and those returned to consciousness is at its thinnest.  Allowing more to experience those in spirit.  Traditionally bonfires were lit on October 31 and costumes were worn to ward off ghosts.

Today it is also celebrated as Halloween especially for children to get dressed in a costume and go around the neighbour...Read More

October 16, 2022

Canadian Feed the Children Podcase on Transforming Food Insecurity into Food Security and Sovereignty!

Canadian Feed the Children has been our client since we first put them up online in 1998.  Please listen to this podcast and then donate whatever you can to help eliminate Food insecurity globally.  There is no excuse for anyone going hungry.  I love you!

https://canadianfeedthechildren.ca/podcasts/first-comes-food/?utm_source=CFTC+Family&utm_campaign=5789a95b1f-2022_10_16+Podcast+Launch&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_dc45de6a77-5789a95b1f-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D&ct=t%282022_10_16+Podcas...Read More

October 2, 2022

I moved...Well my children moved me...now to adapt!

I received the old renoviction August 31 after living in my beautiful place for 4.5 years...It was ideal as I slowly went down into the wheelchair.  My abilities are very limited but I manage to hold onto my shreds of independance with help from my children and amazing friends and care-givers...I will fully recover but my doctor doesn't know when...sigh

So new place is fabulous.  Bigger but not too big in a lovely neighbourhood so close to my physio facility and...Read More

September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II April 21, 1926 - Sept. 8, 2022 As Queen (1956 - 2022)

I was shocked today by the announcement of Queen Elizabeth II's transition.  I had wondered how long she would want to stay after the transition of her beloved Divine Life Partner Prince Philip as he really was her rock and solid foundation for all she accomplished as Queen. The world lost a strong, calm, dignified, interdependent woman, a foundational pillar for the world!  I am so happy for her that she is reunited with her husband, family, friends, and her beloved furbabies.

I w...Read More

August 15, 2022

Dr. Joe Dispenza's GOLOV-20 Meditations

He put this together a few years ago to Spread the Love which will all need.  So enjoy this and Spread the Love because Love is the answer to all things!

I am always grateful to you!  I love you!

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July 23, 2022

The Ankh, a Sign from the Creator!

The Ankh is known as the key of life representing longevity, eternal life and the breath of life.  The Ankh is often used as a portal mirror across the veil and can allow channelling to the Divine as a tool of spiritual healing.  When you wear the Ankh it can bring good luck and fortune protecting you against dark negative energies.  It signified wisdom and insight at the highest level. 

Thursday morning a sterling silver bracelet with an ankh charm appeared...Read More

July 17, 2022

Life is Fragile and Short! Find Your Joy and Focus on That!

We all incarnated here to learn our soul lessons.  Our purpose is to find joy and happiness through this planet's layers of negativity.  And live, breath, and exude joy.  Bring joy back through your cells once you have processed your grief and anger.  Life is short and fragile so wasting it on worrying and stressing is just wasting time as there is always a solution.  Ask for help as you are not alone in this world and you do NOT have to solve your issues on your o...Read More

July 10, 2022

There is always a solution rather than taking your own life!

It has been a very rough few days for my daughter's friend, his/her family, her friends, and my daughter and son-in-law.  This morning she told me her friend's husband had disappeared Friday early am and left a suicide note.  He has little children my grandchildren's age. My daughter's husband was out searching for him as Search and Rescue and the Police had asked for help.  My son-in-law was up and probably still is as I write this, in one of the search helicopters desperat...Read More

July 7, 2022

July 7, 2022 The Warrior of the Heart 7/7 Portal

The 7th of July is the powerful 7/7 Portal.In the Sirian Light Codes this is the Portal of the Spiritual Warrior.But, because it falls in the feminine sign of Cancer, it shines light on the Divine Feminine Warrior.The Warrior of the Heart.The One who is so powerful that even Lions sit at her feet!Being in the Heart energy and being balanced and centered in the Heart is the only way that we will Master the intense and often chaotic energy of this portal.It is time to give up victim conscio...Read More

July 3, 2022

Canada Day - Why I Celebrate Despite the Dark History!

The Patriarchal Power Over Paradigm we all signed up for and have lived in and continue to live in as it clears is filled with the dark history of genocide of people and culture.  In Canada in particular of the Indigenous People.  But the timeline is also filled with progressions as slow as it has been.  Canada is part of the progressive change of becoming aware of our racial, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination.  And as we became aware albeit too slowly we be...Read More

June 25, 2022

Roe v Wade overturned June 24, 2022! We knew this was Coming!

As you have read over and over from me the Patriarchal paradigm has controlled our world for 6000 years or so and the darkness since the fall of Atlantis.  The Patriarcharcal time is complete but there are issues with letting go of control as we are seeing everywhere.  It is very tough to transition from Power Over into Empowerment, but the old is crumbling making way for the enlightened, progressive, and empowered new world.  Those claws gripping the walls to hold on are co...Read More

June 6, 2022

New Crystal Magic Digital Cards

We are launching the first 33 cards of our new Digital Crystal Magic Cards for you to use to help in areas of your life that you are working on. Center into your heart center and pick a card to see what the crystals have to offer you. You can use them to set an intention and affirmation for the day, learn about crystals or do an intuitive reading. They were created because Mother Earth has given us so many magical, beautiful mineral varieties for us to enjoy and incorporate into our soul j...Read More

May 30, 2022

New Moon in Gemini, May 30, 2022

This New Moon brings the gift of remembrance, the wisdom within our hearts.  Now is your time to align your heartbeat with the center of the Universe. You are empowered to let go of every aspect of limitations and allow the Universe to fill that space with brilliance.  Be Unlimited!  Happy New Beginnings.  

Source:  Healing Energy Tools

My sun is in Gemini and Scorpio is my moon and rising.  Yikes.  Mercury Retrograde goes direct on June 3rd.  Woohoo.  Tons of love, b...Read More

May 15, 2022

The Cave Of Altruin A Hathor Planetary Meditation Through Tom Kenyon

This is the latest message from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon: 

You and your Earth are undergoing massive transformations along with all of its sentient beings.

You have clearly entered the Sixth Mass Extinction. And the relative stability of the Holocene era has given way to the Anthropocene (i.e., human-induced changes to the ecosystem).

Increasing instability of the ecosystem will continue to generate abnormal weather patterns. And increased global war...Read More

May 5, 2022

The Patriarchy and Roe v Wade

The Patriarchal Paradigm of Power Over, Domination, and Control has been in play for about 6000 years...The story of Lilith is its beginning when she was cast off as the first archetypal woman who was independent and equal to archetypal Adam, the first man.  Ergo the more submissive Eve (despite the apple fiasco) was created from Adam's rib.

There are three rules to the Patriarch.  

1.  Men inherit over women.  Now, this is now defunct because of new laws and we will hope...Read More

April 9, 2022

April 12th Once in a Lifetime Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces Conjunction!!

This Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces Conjunction hasn't happened for 166 years so we will not see it again in our, our children or grandchildren's lifetime.  You want to take advantage of this portal as it is lucky and all about manifesting your biggest dreams into reality.  So if you are into happiness and good fortune you definitely want to be meditating and manifesting not only on April 12th, 2022 but now and for a few weeks after as the energy is flowing now.

This rare conjunction ca...Read More

April 3, 2022

The Result Trauma Triggers When They Remain Unresolved!

I can't believe its been a month since I wrote last.  Wow...and so as we know last Sunday night we experienced the slap heard and seen around the world.  There have been so many perspectives from it was a setup by a big Pharmaceutical company to get Alopecia trending around the world to bring attention to their new drug to treat Alopecia to what I believe is an unresolved trauma response to what was supposed to be a funny comment about the Actor's wife's shaved head.  <...Read More

March 5, 2022

Ukraine's Humanitarian Crisis Requires Focus on Love, Courage, Determination and Success!

The attempts to Power Over a sovereign nation are all part of the inability of the Controllers to let go of the old Patriarchal paradigm that has controlled our planet for thousands of years.  It is also a continuous old program that we have to suffer as humans to reach God, heaven or whatever the old power over teachings required.  Suffering is NOT required to know joy and happiness which is your birthright and purpose as a Divine Spark of God/Creator.  

People c...Read More

February 21, 2022

Seriously it is almost February 22, 2022

It feels like I just posted my last blog time is going by so swiftly!  So 02/22/2022 also falls on the second day of the week, Tuesday, or Twosday.  So this is all about team work, partnership, community and collaboration.  What in your life revolves around team work and partnership?  Your work or personal life or both?  

The written numerical date is noted as symmetrical or palindrome because he number can be read the same forward or backward.  The...Read More

December 28, 2021

Wishing You an Abundant, Prosperous, Joy-filled, Peaceful 2022!

Well, 2021 has certainly been a roller-coaster year with climate change and the pandemic bringing so much change.  So many different types of predictions are coming out, so remember it is you who is in the driver's seat of your life.  Of course, you are going through all that is happening but you get to control how you go through these changes with anxiety and fear or with peace within.  Because when you create constant and consistent peace and harmony within yourself combined with so m...Read More

December 24, 2021

Have a Magical, Joy-Filled Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Celebrations!

I wanted to wish you all the Merriest Christmas and Happy Holiday celebrations!  I am making strides in my recovery from FND as my neuron pathways begin to unblock and reengage.  No easy path here but all part of AgelessThrival strategy of getting the right team together to get back to 100% health if you go offline.  Overwhelming grief put me into a wheelchair.  Full recovery is assured by my lead Doctor.  So most of my bandwidth is spent on healing but as my stren...Read More

December 4, 2021

Wow It's Dec, 4, 2021. Last New Moon with solar eclipse!

I can't believe it's Dec., 4, 2021.  I last wrote on Halloween. Time is flying by faster and faster.  So are you ready for Christmas or the holiday that you celebrate this season?  I am.  Was ready a month ago before all the media outlets were going on about shipping issues.  Before the BC floods created extra pressure on goods getting into the stores, whether it was gas, food, or kids' toys.

So if you watched the new moon solar eclipse you had to be a pengui...Read More

October 31, 2021

Grandidierite, The Faith Stone

I have been doing a lot of research on the best crystals to work with for the AgelessThrival Living program and my own healing journey at unblocking my neuron pathways to my legs so my mobility is restored 100%.   I love crystal gemstones.  They fascinate me as they are living beings of the first plane of existence and can bring so much spiritual help on our soul journey.  This past week brought me to a crystal gem I had never heard of, the Faith Stone, Grandidierite.&n...Read More

October 13, 2021

White Tara: The Ascended Master of Longevity, Health, Healing, Wisdom, and Compassion!

I have worked with Green Tara for a few decades.  According to Surya Gupta, there are 21 Tara's.  Tara is like a mother who never judges and gives unconditional love.  Tara, like some mothers, doesn’t judge us. And, like our mothers, she can wear many faces (sometimes the stern disciplinarian, other times, the embracing mother). In this way, the 21 Taras visualization, based on the Mahasiddha Surya Gupta, is...Read More

October 9, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

For me, Thanksgiving is every day from a place of gratitude for my life experiences, good, tough, and all the in-betweens.  as each experience brings its own unique positive benefits and gifts.  But here is a bit of the strange convoluted Canadian Thanksgiving that is celebrated at a different time than our American friends.  There are two different accounts of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in Canada several hundred years apart.

English explorer Martin Frobisher&...Read More

October 3, 2021

White Tara: The Ascended Master of Longevity, Health, Healing, Wisdom and Compassion

I have worked with Green Tara for a few decades.  According to Surya Gupta, there are 21 Tara's.  Tara is like a mother who never judges and gives unconditional love.  Tara, like some mothers, doesn’t judge us. And, like our mothers, she can wear many faces (sometimes the stern disciplinarian, other times, the embracing mother). In this way, the 21 Taras visualization, based on the Mahasiddha Surya Gupta, is very special. Each of the 21 Taras has a unique name an...Read More

September 2, 2021

September 30th Honouring Truth and Reconciliation!

The Canadian government passed legislation in June to make Sept. 30 a statutory holiday for federally regulated workers. ... It called for a holiday to honour survivors, families and communities, and to ensure the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of reconciliation.  Not every province recognizes this important day!  BC is calling it a commemoration with reduce services but not technically a paid holiday. 

My companies are recognizing this da...Read More

August 8, 2021

The Leo New Moon and the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal 8/8

Wow!  Quite the celestial event!  The new moon occurs August 8, 2021 at 9:49 AM EDT and coincides with the Lion's Gate portal peak 8-8!  The Lion's Gate is a magical portal aligning with the Sun and Sirius (the Spiritual Sun), that fills the sky from July 28 to Aug 12 with Aug 8 reaching its peak.  So today is the very best day to manifest your wishes.  

Leo rules the heart and spine so be prepared to set your intentions and then take the action to make it happen.  The Lion's...Read More

August 4, 2021

It's August 4, 2021! Where does the time go?

Honestly, it feels like I wrote the last blog last week and it's been a month.  Whoa!  I hope you are all enjoying the summer without too many fires as it is burning here in B.C.  My summer is all about releasing traumatic grief that disrupted my neuron pathways to my legs and we are making small improvements on the uphill, rather than the roller coaster of forward-backward.

First, let me state I am not an anti-vaxxer.  I do support people's personal choices as lo...Read More

July 4, 2021

Celebrating Canada Day? New Canada or the Old Colonial Canada?

The absolute horror of unmarked graves at so many Canadian indigenous residential schools has people finally rethinking what we are celebrating on Canada Day.  How can we celebrate a supposed great nation when the inaction of institutions and people allowed such heinous, evil, cruelty to be perpetrated on our children.   How is it in a country that prides itself on love, kindness, and compassion that allowed these children of genocide to go unrecognized and forgotten for so...Read More

June 6, 2021

Spiritual Bypassing: Dealing with Your Reality

Spiritual Bypassing means you are wearing rose-colored glasses to see the world, the people, and situations without actually dealing with the current reality.  How you wish it to be instead of how it is.  Is that wrong?  Not necessarily as you get to live as you wish as you do create your reality but are you processing negative situations and releasing them so they do not come back later to cause body, mind, or soul illness.

Spiritual bypass or spiritual bypassing is a...Read More

May 15, 2021

Grief! Unreleased and Stored Can Mess With Your Nervous System!

So Wednesday after a year-long wait I had a 4-hour session with the team that specializes in functional neurological disorder.  Grief caused the glitch in the neuron pathways to my legs.  I am beyond grateful to Dr. Howard for being able to quickly razor into me and see what had happened.  In all my years of work on myself grief was never a word or thought that came into clearing pain and trauma.  After our session, I sat in meditation and was overwhelmed by this mile-l...Read More

March 21, 2021

It's Spring Equinox

The time of rebirth and renewal.  It has been just over a year since the global lockdown due to the COVID -19 virus Pandemic was put into place.  It has killed just over 2.7 million people and continues to mutate into new and interesting variants as these inteligent viruses do.  Once they realize they are killing their hosts they begin to look for ways to mutate to infect and cause trouble without killing their hosts.  They realize that by killing their hosts they kill...Read More

February 14, 2021

Feb 14, 2021 - The Day We Celebrate Love!

i woke up to the snow falling.  So beautiful and peaceful while my 100 pound Bouvier snored away.  She lifted her head to look at me with this look of why are you waking me up and promptly went back to sleep.  The smell of coffee brewing and the knowledge that this day would bring the reminder of 65 years of love felt so good.  Love of self, my parents, my friends, my children and grandchildren, and community plus all others that have been part of my life's journey fill...Read More

January 31, 2021

Time is Flying!

Wow, I can't believe I last wrote on Dec 20, 2020!  Time is flying as tomorrow is Feb 1, 2021!  The energies are changing rapidly with more and more support for empowerment.  So don't be discouraged as we continue to clean up the hubris of the Patriarchal Power Over's completion.  It could get much messier until the path of the Golden Age becomes clear.  But clear it will be.  So continue to focus on your personal journey and path of love, kindness, and compas...Read More

December 20, 2020

December 21, 2020 - The anchoring of the Age of Aquarius!

Monday, December 21, 202 at 10:21 AM PST Jupiter and Saturn align so the Age of Aquarius anchors into Earth bringing the dawn of the new era of the Golden Age bringing peace and harmony for all.  Is that immediate, no, as there is still cleanup to do but as we continue to focus on love, kindness, compassion, and working together the collective consciousness will continue to rise.  

This rare planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, The Great Conjunction, will re-crea...Read More

August 5, 2020

Life without Bella

I have been delinquent writing my weekly blogs because of the sadness of Bella but mainly because my central nervous system has been severely undermined by my conversion disorder putting me into a wheelchair.  This was caused by long term narcissistic abuse that overwhelmed the brain neuron pathways to my legs.  It's like having a fuse blow or a software glitch that just affects a part of the overall operating system, in this case, my legs.  The stay at home COVID set me bac...Read More

May 18, 2020

My Beloved Bella March 23, 2005-May 7, 2020

Bella was my beloved Brussels Griffon.  We got her when she was 8 weeks old.  She was the youngest of the three muskateers, Gucci and Holly were 6 months apart born April 1, and Nov 1 2004...The three brought our entire family years of laughter and a few close calls.  Bella loved to go on a walkabout if she could escape...When I lived in North Vancouver she escaped and we were fortunate that someone grabbed her and immediately took her to a rescue.  They scanned her as...Read More

May 9, 2020

Noam Chomsky on COVID-19 and the Economy

Noam Chomsky is a very wise man. So listen to his latest youtube video recorded a few days ago. It is good food for thought.
Internationally renowned intellectual Noam Chomsky in conversation with National Observer founding editor-in-chief Linda Solomon Wood about the COVID-19 politics, the global economy and the environment. Subscribe to support more content at www.nationalobserver.com/subscribe. Source: Labour Heartlands

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April 5, 2020

A Hathor Planetary Meditation Through Tom Kenyon! - COVID-19

The Covid-19 or Corona Virus pandemic is only one aspect of this current multifaceted Chaotic Node. Economic, political and social volatility are also aspects of this Chaotic Node. Another less visible aspect is the spreading of fear, which is itself a type of emotional pandemic.

Unfortunately, due to decimation of the rain forests and the melting of the permafrost, many types of pathogens and microbial life forms are, and will continue to be,...Read More

March 30, 2020

COVID-19 and Your Pets - They CANNOT get COVID-19. Do not surrender them!

There has been a lot of fear around our pets being able to get COViD-19 because a 17-year-old Pom apparently came down with it in Hong Kong.  There is simply no evidence that our pets can or will contract COVID-19.  Please do not surrender them to a kill shelter or have them euthanized.  A vet will be able to assure you that you will not get COVID-19 from your animals.  They need our love and support.  And as we are all social isolating and distancing...PLEASE cons...Read More

March 15, 2020

COViD-19 and the Medical Medium Viral Protection Report

I am posting the link for the Medical Medium's Viral Protection Report for you to utilize that will help.  This report and protocols does not replace traditional medical advice, government recommendations and rulings for self-isolating or social distancing.  You must continue to use extreme hygiene and common sense during this COVID-19 Pandemic.  Be kind, compassionate and considerate when shopping and helping others that are disabled or immobile in some way without infectin...Read More

March 4, 2020

Gaslighter! The Dixie Chicks hit it again!

Gaslighting is a huge symptom of narcissistic abuse which is prevalent in our world because of all the Patriarchal power over, domination and control programming.  Do we actually believe when power over narcissistic programming has controlled the world for over 6000 years that somehow we wouldn't all suffer in some way...especially the feminine?  It's why we have our Time's Up movement as the Sacred Feminine is back and empowering us over the next 1000 years.  Our men need t...Read More

February 24, 2020

Empowered Thrival!

Empowered Thrival!  What does that mean...Empowerment:  

Empowerment is a set of measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority. I...Read More

February 8, 2020

Transforming the Power Over Oppression of Specieism into Empowerment of We Are One!

Hi everyone.  Happy February our month of more love in 2020.  I trust your 2020 is going well!  I have been on pause for months while I heal from this Narcissistic Abuse Brain Injury that has reduced my quality of living to a place I could never of imagined.  I am healing like a snail in molasses and will recover 100% and come back to being better and healthier than pre-1996.  My AgelessThrival program is about creating your own personal strategy for Ageless living...Read More

January 12, 2020

Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - last time 500 years ago!

So many of us all around the world have been working tirelessly to raise our inner consciousness so that our Global Collective Consciousness rises into the Golden Age - Heaven on Earth - Peace and Harmony.  Especially my friends Jeff and Clayten co-founders of flfe.net https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/TryFLFEfree/cnwylie . Our global consciousness is close to 250 on the David Hawkins scale...net neutral and no return back into the Patriarchal Duality.  That means we truly are transforming...Read More

January 1, 2020

New Years Day Special Release Times to have old stuff gone for Good

Happy New Decade and 2020 to you all.  Our astrologer Maya White sent out a wonderful email on the special release day of January 1, 2020.  So I am giving it to you so that even if you have done your release of the old and set your new intentions you can use this as a bonus have the "old" gone for good.  So enjoy the New Year.  Lots coming.  Always grateful and always love you!

Hello Catherine,

Happy New Year. It's so satisfying to co...Read More

December 27, 2019

Goodbye 2019 and Welcome, Welcome 2020!!

2019 was a year of preparation for a wave of ascension energy arriving with 2020.  This energy is due to the alignment of Pluto and Saturn that will peak in January 2020.  For more on this alignment visit Maya White at mayawhite.com . Our souls in combination with mother earth will be learning to harmonize with this energy allowing us the opportunity to accelerate raising our inner vibrational consciousness and thus the overall collective consciousness.

The year 2020 repres...Read More

December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Celebrations

This is my favorite time of year.  A time of reflection, contemplation of the year ahead, relaxation and rest for me.  I am blessed and grateful to have 5 beautiful children, their incredible spouses, 9 grandchildren, amazing friends and community to celebrate this joyous magical season of love, joy, and peace. It's Santa time and I believe! 

We have made great progress in not only raising our personal consciousness but the overall collective consciousness of the planet and Om...Read More

November 23, 2019

Why Eggs May Be Bad For You by the Medical Medium

Have a listen.  The Epstein Barr Virus has about 60 plus varients today and is a trigger responsible for causing many diseases.  And eggs feed EBV.  So have a listen and see if this pertains to you.  Remember to make sure you check with your health care practitioner before undertaking any new nutritional or exercise protocols.

Wishing all my American friends and family the Happiest Thanksgiving November 28, 2019!

I am always grateful to you.  I love you!

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October 27, 2019

Muscle Building Breakfast Smoothie

I am in the middle of healing of autonomic nervous system of the long term toxic trauma which created the chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that overwhelmed my system in combination with the compressions of C3 and L2 over the years.  I cannot over emphasis the requirement to assure that you identify childhood trauma and stressors from conceptional through to graduating high school and finding the process that works for you to release it from your cellular and energic systems.&...Read More

October 11, 2019

Immortal Hero

Based on the true story of a man whose near death experience inspires him to choose life and change the lives of millions.

#ImmortalHero is premiering in Vancouver on October 18 at Cineplex Odeon International Village Cinemas. A film you do not want to miss! Get your tickets now!

...Read More

October 6, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't believe it is October.  The summer certainly flew by.  This coming Thanksgiving we are doing a potluck at my daughters in Victoria and as usual, I am making the pumpkin pies.  I use our old family recipe that was my Dad's sister's, Auntie Nearissa.  I will post it in the recipe section of the site as well a post an AgelessThrival cuisine video.  I have the recipe in my head after making it so many times but I am going to find it in my Gram's recipe book...S...Read More

September 29, 2019

Reduce Your Stress Tips

Surprisingly, watching birds fly can decrease your stress.  Either in the city or the country, it reduces anxiety and you are 70% likely to experience stress...So take a few moments throughout the day to enjoy the freedom of watching birds fly.

Walking in nature is always a great way to reduce stress.  Grounding in the earth will also reduce stress and aid in healing.

Daily yoga practices of 25 minutes a day promotes mindfulness allowing you to plan and complete tasks...Read More

September 15, 2019

Anthony Williams - The Medical Medium and Celery Juice

Don't forget to consult your health care practitioner when undertaking any new nutritional, fitness or other programs for your health.

Well, people have been turning to celery juice and the Medical Mediums 28 day cleanse.  It eliminates processed food, dairy, and animal products while you eat fruits, vegetables and low amounts of healthy fat.  

Inflammation can cause neck pain, numbness and can be caused by neurotoxins produced by the shingles virus, Epstein-Barr...Read More

September 9, 2019

Dr. Gundry Believes the Secret to Longevity Lies in Your Gut!

The Longevity Paradox is a great new food plan by Dr. Gundry.  He believes that Leafy Greens provide for our beneficial gut bacteria which help to keep us young and youthful.  Tufts University research indicates that those that consume leafy greens regularly like spinach, kale, collards, and romaine lettuce had brains that were 11 years younger than those that skimped.  So a simple green smoothie daily will aid in your longevity goals:

In a blender mix:  1 cup of...Read More

August 25, 2019

Lower Your Cholesterol and other health benefits of Rebounding!

It is important to follow your health care practitioner advice before undertaking any new nutritional or exercise programs.  Cholesterol can be a big problem for a lot of people.  So aside from adjusting your diet to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels increasing your cardiovascular exercise helps a well.

Rebounding is a fun way to take cardiovascular exercise to a different level.  Rebounding is a low impact way to help you lower your cholesterol.  You can also i...Read More

August 18, 2019

Jean De Grasse March 17, 1935 - August 11, 2019 - My Hero

I met the DeGrasse family, Jean, Suzanne, Celine et al in the fall of 1987.  I made the decision to divorce my children's father in November 1987 after months of counseling with my Minister of the United Church in Nanaimo.  I was experiencing a spiritual death of my beingness and to get onto my true path of spirituality to fulfill my purpose was not possible with my husband or the overbearingness of my mother.  I wanted out as much to escape the chains of my marriage as to e...Read More

August 5, 2019

Summer Home Remedies

Trust you are all having a fabulous summer and finding ways to enjoy our heat waves thanks to Climate Change.  We haven't seen many mosquitoes around our place this year and wondering if it is because there is a kill on larva to prevent West Nile disease.  Hmmmmmm.

Remember to check with your health care practitioner before undertaking new protocols like below...check for allergies and the like.

So if you do have problems with mosquitoes mix 2 drops of clove essential...Read More

July 17, 2019

The Longevity Paradox Dr. Gundry

This new book by Dr. Gundry is a fabulous look at how nutrition and gut health plays a big role in living in complete health for as long as you choose.  Its all about assessing how, what, and when you eat and taking the appropriate action steps to live your best life.  It's fascinating how important lectin is in whether you live healthy and long or create disease.  Enjoy.  Always grateful to all you are and all you do to raise the collective consciousness by living your be...Read More

July 8, 2019

Helping Aches and Pains the natural way

Joint and muscle pain hinder your ability to stay active daily which will drag down your mood.  Prescription pain-killers are the easy reach but raise your risk of intestinal bleeds.  They can slow tissue healing and deplete the immune system making it harder for you to recover when you are sick.  Most of our immune cells are in our digestive tract and painkillers damage that lining.

So here are some natural ways you can try.  But remember to consult with your health care practit...Read More

July 1, 2019

Happy Canada Day!

Well, it is another beautiful day on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  Who would have thought I would ever come back and love the Island after 30 years of gorgeous Mainland living and time in gorgeous Toronto.  It's peaceful, quiet and calm where I am.  The ideal for healing creations.  Doing another segment of Ageless Thrival cuisine today with Chef Geoff...flower eating and plant-based meat...lol...

I watched the Biggest Little Farm the other day and was so i...Read More

June 10, 2019

Coercive Control

Only 30% of Domestic Abuse and Violence is reported in Canada.  Every 6 days a woman is killed by her intimate partner.  And our First Nations women are targeted 6x to 8x more often than women of other cultures.  The aftermath cost of Domestic Violence and Abuse costs Canadian taxpayers about 7.6 billion dollars every year.  Outrageous isn't it.  Yet our laws remain very Patriarchal in diminishing women from speaking up. 80% of Predators are men and they get away w...Read More

June 2, 2019

June 1, 2019 Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day!

Well June 1, 2019, was Narcissistic AbuseAwareness Day!  And also my 64th birthday.  Welcome to the time of agelessthrival and global healing.  Throughout Ageless 4 Connection Reconnection we discuss Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy.  Sociopaths are made and Psychopaths are born.  Sociopaths have a little bit of empathy and Psychopaths have none.  Their aim is to cause intentional harm whether it is financial, physical, emotional or spiritual.  Usu...Read More

May 19, 2019

Get Slimmer Quickly With These Tips

Remember do not start any new nutritional or exercise program without consulting your health care practitioner first.

1.  Start your day with Avacado Toast or scrambled eggs topped with avocado.  The monounsaturated fats signal to your brain that you are full.  I do my best to avoid Gluten so find a good gluten-free alternative if you are gluten sensitive.

2.  A diet rich in casein (a protein in milk) slows the rate of digestion by 33% so you will feel full...Read More

May 10, 2019

Food Tips for Health

Remember to consult with your health practitioner before undertaking any new nutritional or exercise programs!

When you add 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water before each meal the malic and tartaric acids work as a digestive aid to tame gas release excess fluids which minimize or eliminates bloat.

Keep your kitchen clean by putting snacking type foods away.  It will help you snack 50% less.

Craving cookies then sniff pineapple.  European research...Read More

April 22, 2019

Anti-Aging Strategies for Pennies

Do you have crepey skin well you can improve your skin's elasticity with protein in egg whites?  Albumin improves elasticity and promotes cell regeneration, growth, and repair which helps diminish the appearance of crepey skin.  Mix 1 egg white, half an avocado, and 2 tsp. of plain yogurt.  Apply onto crepey areas and let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse.  Do this 2 to 3 times per week to see results in about three weeks.

You can thicken your hair with egg and oil....Read More

March 31, 2019

The Ageless Beautifying of Crystals

Crystals exude invisible molecules, negative ions that have a positive rebalancing effect on your skin, body, emotions and spiritual essence.  Every stone has its own unique healing frequency working within to regenerate your cells, increase circulation, collagen production and much more.

Make sure your crystals are clean and tumbled, no rough crystals so they do not damage the skin.  Make sure you have zero allergies and when in doubt consult with your traditional hea...Read More

March 5, 2019

Nancy Young Hennesy Waddington Nov. 11, 1955- Feb 24, 2019

I felt something was wrong with either Nancy or maybe two other women I knew, the morning of February 24, 2019!  I hunted through  FB, but nothing.  Hmmm, I thought, just a wrinkle in the energy.  And went about doing my thing.

Elle has agility every Sunday at 2pm.  Driving home my daughter called and asked, where are you?  Driving home.  I have hands free.  She said pull over I have horrible sad news.  ok...I am pulled over...My daug...Read More

February 18, 2019

Tom Jacobs an Evolutionary Astrologer Interview regarding Lilith and healing suicide!

I invite you to listen to my interview with Tom Jacobs, an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker and channel supporting people coming out of pain and powerlessness into acceptance, compassion and empowerment.  His book Lilith: Healing the Wild is a guidebook for today as we work to transform Power Over, Dominance and Control through love into Empowerment.  The key to healing humanity so that we thrive and pull back HumanKind's elimination from the 6th mass extinction upon us.&nb...Read More

January 7, 2019

The I AM Positive Virtues Card Reader and Download Launch

We just launched the I AM Positive Virtue Card Reader and Downloads designed to further aid you in raising you inner consciousness to create Heaven on Earth within so that our planet may anchor the Golden Age of Miracles upon us now!  We launched with 40 cards and 71 more coming.  We will be adding more cards weekly.  We will be charging !.97 per month subscription after the first play.  There are different card readers out th...Read More

December 14, 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Celebrations

This is my favorite time of year.  A time of reflection, contemplation of the year ahead, relaxation and rest for me.  I am blessed and grateful to have 5 beautiful children, their incredible spouses, 9 grandchildren, amazing friends and community to celebrate this joyous magical season of love, joy, and peace. It's Santa time and I believe! 

We have made great progress in not only raising our personal consciousness but the overall collective consciousness of the plane...Read More

November 13, 2018

The Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth - 5 Tibetan Rites for Restoration, Healing and Longevity

Before you begin the Tibetan Rites for Restoration, Healing and Longevity be sure to check with your health care practitioner to assure you are cleared for this type of exercise. 

Once you are cleared for these longevity rites begin by doing 1 - 5 reps and build daily as you feel you can handle it until you can safely and easily complete 21 reps for each of the 5 rites.

In his book, Peter Kelder writes that while stationed in India, British army officer Colonel Bradfo...Read More

October 28, 2018

Tom Kenyon's Hathor Message of Trilliums and Coherent Emotion

These messages and sound meditations channeled by Tom Kenyon from the Hathors will help you to activate the Trilliums. Help you understand the coherent emotions required to assure activation vs the incoherent emotions that will prevent the access of sustainability the Trilliums provide.   I will also p...Read More

October 19, 2018

Quick Tips to Whiter Teeth and Nixing Brain Fog and Fatigue

We now understand the detrimental health effects of sugar.  It is as addictive as narcotics can be.  According to neurologist David Perlmutter, M.D.  when you consume less sugar you lower your risk of cognitive decline, memory lapses and even dementia as much as 45%.  Have a sweet tooth, welcome to the club.  My Dad, Elwood, had the candy shack as my children would refer to his office, stacked with boxes of candy, that he enjoyed allowing his grandchildren to raid...Read More

October 8, 2018

Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy!

Living Agelessly is about the connection to all living beings.  So here are a few ways to help you with your relationship with your pets.

Curcumin for your Pets achy joints - remember to consult your veterinarian first.

If the colder weather causes your pet stiffness, difficulty going up or down stairs sprinkle 1/4 tsp of turmeric per 10 pounds of body weight over your dog's food.  Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properti...Read More

October 2, 2018

The Magnificence of 9 the God Number of Universal Love

" If you only knew the Magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the Universe" Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Croatia to Serbian parents.  A genius in his discovery of radio, x-rays, and alternating current in Electrical Distribution Systems.  He understood how to create FREE energy, but was ultimately bankrupted into obscurity by the Rockefeller. Oil was a profit maker so Free energy had to be buried.  But no more.

"If you w...Read More

September 27, 2018

The Ocean's Ageless Thrival Tips

Remember do not undertake any new nutrition or exercise programs without consulting your health care practitioner!

Dermatologist Dr, Marina Peredo believes that sea salt's many trace minerals will relieve inflammation, sore muscles, and osteoarthritis.  Sea Salt's compounds of magnesium, potassium and calcium will calm the nervous system and ease tension.  When it is absorbed into the skin sea salt will stimulate circulation to flush out toxins, relaxing muscles and soothin...Read More

September 22, 2018

Great Sugar Substitutes, Stevia, Monk Fruit and Yacon Syrup

Over-consumption of sugar is one the biggest ageing components we can have in our diets.  Our brains are fueled primarily by glucose and it is important to maintain steady blood sugar levels for our systems to operate at optimal levels.  Sugar is addictive and is a major causative factor for diabetes, heart disease, chronic inflammation diseases, obesity, and cancers.  So as the population becomes aware of this the market is flooded with artificial sweeteners....Read More

September 19, 2018

You Can Do and Be Anything and Everything!

Affirmations are incredible and can be made into a new habit in 21 to 28 days.  The fastest way to bring the instant creation of your do and be anything and everything is to the clear any of those limiting, blocking unconscious programs from your Core, Genetic, Soul levels and resolve them on the History level.  

1.  You carry within your the world of possibility as gorgeous, rich and amazing as any landscape of our earth.

2. Feel confident in thinking in te...Read More

September 9, 2018

Water-Rich Foods That Heal and Slim

Water-rich organic produce is one of the very best ways to reverse the age-related cellular dehydration that stalls metabolism, spikes fat storage hormones and lots of other health issues.  Water in foods moves slowly through the cells giving extra time to absorb it vs water you drink.  Proper hydration boosts, energy, immunity, heart health as well as speeding up metabolism by 30%.  Extra hydrating options are cauliflower, cucumbers, radishes, romaine lettuce, peppers,...Read More

September 5, 2018

Psychic Sasquatch Spiritual Retreat and Conference

The conference was everything I expected and more.  There were about 222 people all heart centre focused exuding unconditional love in every moment.  Every one there is committed to awakening everyone they can so that we evolve through love into the New Human and live as One with all life.  The Sasquatch was there as were so many Star beings and elders to support us.  We all have our Sasquatch guide and protector now and mine is a very large loving male being...I learne...Read More

August 20, 2018

Nitric Oxide Releases Trapped Fat

Your blood vessels are a network that carries oxygen, nutrients and fatty acids to your cells mitochondria.  Mitochondria uses the raw materials to fuel energy production.  Your blood vessels are like freeways.  When a freeway is clear and clean you can zip along to where you want to go quickly.  If the Freeway is clogged you move at a snails pace causing frustration.  Your blood vessels are like the freeway and if they have a smooth flow it is the key to burning f...Read More

August 4, 2018

The Sophia Feminine Christ Consciousness - The Sophia Dragon Tribe


The Sophia Code is a love letter to humanity channeled by Kaia Ra.  This book is designed to help humanity love itself again by reclaiming our soverign divinity to truly integrate and cohere  as Divine Sparks of God in co-creation.  Kaia Ra was directed to the base of Mount Shasta so that Sophia Gaia could introduce Her High Council of Ascended Master teachers.  Kaia Ra w...Read More

July 26, 2018

Ageless Living Tips

Yale researchers focus on reducing or eliminating sugar from your diet to reduce your heart and arterial damage risk.  By minimizing or eliminating sugar you can keep your blood pressure within normal range, stop plaque buildup, and reduce the risk of blood clots.  Check your labels for sugar servings or use an app that you can check to measure sugar level in food.

Sleep is important to keep your telomeres a healthy length and to have them regenerate.  Telomeres need...Read More

July 22, 2018

High School Reunions! Connection-Re-Connection

Well last night I went a spent a couple of hours re-connecting with my classmates from my graduating class of 1973.  That's right its been 45 years since we graduated high school.  How did that happen?  My life has been amazing filled with joy and heartache.  More joy than tears thank goodnes.  Everyone looked fabulous.  It was so great to re-connect as I hadn't seen most of them for 25 years from our 20 year party in 1993.  

Positive Connect...Read More

July 12, 2018

Psychic Sasquatch Spiritual Retreat - Catherine and Clayten Clearing Workshop

Clayten Stedmann is a long time friend of mine.  He co-founded flfe.net with Jeff Stegmann and also co-founded Ascend Protocols with me, Catherine.  We worked for years on the clearing process based on my years of Theta brain wave training until we were able to get the protocols to 1000 out of a 1000 based on the David Hawkins scale.  The purest of clearing energy protocols. 

The conference is August 31, Sept 1, Sept 2, in Chewelah Peak Learning Center in C...Read More

July 8, 2018

Empower Up with Nature's Candy

It's summer time and nature'es candy is plentiful.  Buy organic or non pesticide sprayed to avoid the chemical glyphosate that is sprayed on crops to kill weeds.  Research shows that glyphosate may damage the gut and impact hormone levels.  High levels of glyphosae could be draining your energy.  If you have fatigue acccompanied by two or more of the following symptoms, high levels of glyphosate could be contributing:

weight gain; brain fog; cravings; food sensi...Read More

July 6, 2018

It's Vegas Baby...Dream Bigger to Create Magic and Miracles in Your Life!

Its Las Vegas Baby and I am speaking and helping everyone attending to create Magic and Miracles in their lives by not only Dreaming Big, bu...Read More

July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July to all of my American Friends and Family!

Freedom is our goal through the evolutionary and transformational process of LOVE!  It has been quite the journey since our human race appeared 200,000 or so years ago.  The science exists to prove this now.  The science exists to prove that we were genetically modified and enslaved to serve the few for food and profit.  And as each of us awakens to the truth and chooses to raise their inner personal consciousness vibration, together, we raise the collective consciousne...Read More

June 29, 2018

Dream Big in Las Vegas March 29, 30, 31, 2019

Its Las Vegas Baby and I am speaking and helping everyone attending to create Magic and Miracles in their lives by not only Dreaming Big, but Creating Big!  I have always loved Las Vegas.  I am not a gambler, but the shows and shopping are fabulous.  So if you are looking to clear the unconcious programs blocking your Dream life and want to hang out together in a fun place.  Buy your tickets now as this event will sell out quickly because all of our speakers are dedicat...Read More

June 24, 2018

7 Keys to Reduce Stress and Increase Vitality!

Vitality is the key to an ageless lifestyle.  An over abundance of stress going all the way back to your childhood will create chronic inflammation which leads to aging diseases.  

1.  Idenify childhood stresses and find a way that is appropriate for you to release.  Forgiveness goes a long way to help.

2.  Breathing is a natural emotional management tool.  Deep breathing through out the day, starting when you first wake up in the morning...Read More

June 23, 2018

It is my firstborn grandson, Ethan's, 14th birthday today!

What an amazing day Ethan's "birthday" was for me, Wylie, Kristina and Dottie and Jim.  I had sent Wylie down the week before so everyone could get to know him better.  And fortunately that worked wonderfully well.  I flew into Fort Lauderdale and it was my first time meeting Dottie and Jim face to face as well.  We had talked alot over the phone.  Dottie and I met over the phone literally 30 minutes after we found out Kristina was pregnant while Wylie and Kristina...Read More

June 21, 2018

Happy Solstice. The first day of summer!

Just as with the cycles of the sun, there are peaks and lows in your spiritual journey as well. There are times to move forward, times to share, times to go inward and reflect, times to step back and even dark nights of the soul.

In this way, the Solstice is a natural way to reconnect with life’s divine plan and to feel a deep connection to all of life and the natural world.

Reflecting on your journey is a wonderful way to celebrate the Solstice…

Honor...Read More

June 20, 2018

Archangel Michael and His Earth Team of Demon Removers!

I lost the entire blog...so I have to start again...LOL...will sit and get the version that needs to be public out at some point today.  I am grateful that I will have autosave in place for my writing shortly...LOL...

The point is that when 250 million people are integrated to 540 -560 on the David Hawkins scale the reality of peace and harmony for our planet is as it is!  And the Archangel Michael's earth team won't have much to do.  LOL..Blessed Be! Namaste!

<...Read More

June 18, 2018

The 7 cycle Breath for Peace and Serenity!

I met many amazing people when I attended the Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza workshops.  Donna FB'd questioned me about the 7 cycle breath technique that is part of Ageless - evolving into the new human!

Setting up your day with peace and serenity will help you assure that you create success throughout the day no matter how simple or complicated your task.

When you open your eyes begin with giving gratitude for something that is important. Once you have expressed yo...Read More

June 15, 2018

My Mother, Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza - Heaven

On the drive up to Nanaimo I had an amazing epithany about my mother.  My father as I have talked about was a controlling abusive bully with my mother.  He could not disrespect me as I wouldn't put up with it, nor put up with him bullying my mother when I was present.  At 13 when he went at her, I went at my dad.  I have always stood up to bully's of any kind or size.  I run in and never turn tail and run.  At 15 I started telling my mother to leave my father....Read More

June 12, 2018

Newborn Baby Grandson Snuggles are the BEST!

My new little man is just adorable.  Perfect in everyway and surprisingly looks like my Dad Elwood and my 3 yr old grandson Henry.  Henry is definitely a Wylie/Payne combo whereas his brother Elliot is the mini-me of his father John.  Snuggling with my new little man was just blissful.  He has huge hands and wrapped his fingers in a firm grip around my finger love flowing between us.  My daughter was an incredible birth warrior as he came quickly and relatively eas...Read More

June 11, 2018

From Role Mates to Soul Mates to Whole Mates

In the fall of 2018 I will be offering Ageless 4 which is Connection - Re-Connection in the Ageless Living series.  Relationship connectivity is critical to maitaining vibrant, vital complete health so that you have the choice to live in the highest vibration in your body for as long as you choose.  Here is an excerpt from Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni's new book to be released soon!

Joining Genes to Joining Genius: Role Mates, Soul Mates, and W...Read More

June 10, 2018

Grandchild Number 9 arrived. Elwood Clarke Kakoske

Elwood Clarke Kakoske has arrived.  Grandson number 8 and little brother to my only granddaughter Vida.  I am blessed by the miracle of this child having the courage to be born into such an interesting time here on our planet.  Elwood is my father's name and Clarke is my daughters maiden name.  He will be called Clarke.  My parents, my grandparents, friends and Ray's family all of those in their heavenly frequency are celebrating with us right now.

Clarke's...Read More

June 7, 2018

Green Tea, Chick Peas and Curcumin

Drinking 4 mugs of green tea helps to prevent against heart disease, dementia, and type 2 diabetes.  Colorado State researchers add that green tea could help slash your risk of uterine and ovarian cancers by 36%  The EGCG active compound destroys cancerous clls without harming healthy tissues.  Brew your own as it is better than bottled green tea.

Chickpeas help to protect your breasts.  Eating three cups weekly could cut your breat cancer risk by 24% according...Read More

June 6, 2018

Love, Laughter and Joy

The Creator of All That Is energy of pure unconditional love sifts out all negativity over time so you just have to let the energy do its work.  Laughter is always the best medicine in all situations.  And Joy.  Joy is our birthright as Divine Sparks of God so no matter what is happening pull joy back through your cells because feeling love and joy is why you came to this planet.   

My life is blessed with 5 amazing children, 8 grandchildren and one more li...Read More

June 5, 2018

Intimidation, Harassment, Bullying and Protection Orders, Oh My!

The narcissistic sociopathic predator controlling abusive bully in the flesh in your energy field is something to behold.  I had the best laughs today which I will share with you soon as the entire strategy  continues to unfold.  My door wide open to show me the full extent of the intimidating bullying abuse and its next victim of predatation.  It thinks I am in its trap line.  When quite the reverse is true which will all be revealed soon. 

This plane...Read More

June 2, 2018

Reverse Aging in Surprising Ways

The researchers at Georgia Regents University that a high-salt diet speeds aging by shortening your telomeres.  If you crave salt switch to oregano.  Oregano stimulates the same  taste buds as salt...so use oregano for seasoning instead of salt.

Sitting too much also shortens your telomeres so you need to move...stand up, garden, play hide and seek with your grandchildren and you will lengthen your telomeres.  They will regenerate.

The Mediterranean diet...Read More

June 1, 2018

I love my Birthday! I hope you love yours too!

The day you are born is very special.  Your soul is immortal as consciousness energy.  And all experiences on this earth plane are to complete the positive virtues you came to learn so that when you do decide to transition back into the higher frequencies you can move forward to the next level.  So you literally look at different families to be born into for your experiences.  You create soul agreements with soul family, soul mates and hopefully your divine life partner...Read More

May 28, 2018

It is Officially Birthday Week for Me and it is Party Time!

I was born June 1, 1955 to Elwood and Elaine Wylie in Duncan B.C.  My grandparents Catherine and Ambrose Payne were the absolute backbone of my life as my parents marriage was less than optimal.  I was raised in an angry, power over dominating controlling abusive bullying household.  I was loved, no question but the dynamics of the power over controlling abusive bullying of my father to my submissive mother lets say was interesting but pretty much the usual as that is how th...Read More

May 26, 2018

Supra-Sex and your Ageless Living

Barbara Marx Hubbard talks about the new Human in her Global Woman magazine article.  I call the the new Human Homo Luminous and she calls it Homo Amore Universalis, the universal human.  Here is a quote:

"My paradigm is women are giving birth once again  As we have fewer children and live longer lives, our feminine creativity is aroused to join with evolving men to co-create new capacities and greater love. We are animated by vocational aro...Read More

May 24, 2018

The New Human; Homo Luminous

The New Human: Homo Luminous - evolving through love from struggle to thrival.  Allowing you to hold the highest level of consciousness you choose.   Allowing you to maintain your body/vehicle and life in vibrance, vitality, abundance and prosperity for as long as you choose. Allowing you to  have access to the entire Omniverse as it is your birthright!  Greg Bradenn has the 200 year plan.  Mine is the infinite plan because our conscious energy is infinite and...Read More

May 22, 2018

A Broken Heart and Life Torn Apart repairing into Peace and Harmony

Love and Trust shattered in the ugliness of hate filled energy spewed into a pure energy of unconditional love creates energy ripples throughout the Omniverse.  The dark energies are masters at commanding and using hatred and violence through low consciousness to create what they need to feed as they don't have their life force so they use the species of earth.  This planet was originally evolved as a positive intergalactic outpost for the Star Elders and all positive beings thro...Read More

May 21, 2018

My Response to the Captain's comments re: CAB

Captain - May 21, 2018

Always 2 sides to a story.
Some people just never get over there stuff from a kid.

Dear Captain:

I am grateful and thankful that you took the time to read my blog and make your comments.  My blog's are teaching tools to reach people through my experiences to help them.  It is never about judgement in situations because every single experience we have as humans is created to bring about a soul lesson.  A soul lesson th...Read More

May 20, 2018

The Controlling Abusive Bully

Well a week ago today brought a simmering issue into full boil over.  Resulting in an extreme response from me to chase away the dark energy that emerged to harm me. I believe that we create our realty but there are also dark forces that will use people's low consciousness to cause harm and that was a big piece of the Mother's Day Ugliness. 

Writing and delivering Ageless 3 has been the most interesting experience.  And I am grateful. Although I clear without having...Read More

May 3, 2018

Health in a Hurry!

Research in Nutrients and nutrition journal suggest eaing 1/3 cup of walnuts daily can lower your total cholesterol by 12%...The phytosterols in wlanuts block cholesterol absorption in the intestines and their minerals and health fats reduce your LDL output.

Eliminating excess weight can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and dementia as much as 50%.  British studies reveal that its possible to lose weight 57% faster on any diet by simply taking 10 minutes to...Read More

May 2, 2018

Naturally Reverse Skin Sagging

Dancing helps keep your skin firm.  A study showed that people over age 65 that brought aerobic exercise like dancing or swimming twice a week for 30 minutes saw their skin thicken and look decades younger.  You need to exercise briskly without overdoing it daily really for 30 - 60 minutes so that you sweat to keep from rotting from the inside out.  But remember to check with your health care practitioner before starting any exercise program.

Extra virgin olive oil i...Read More

April 30, 2018

Mood Boosting Endorphins

British Researchers have proven that if you go shopping at the outlets or clearance racks finding a great deal floods your body with endorphins lifing your mood.  Just make sure you don't over spend because then you will have the opposite response.

Did you know that having a dog helps you live longer and can be part of your ageless living strategy.  A new Scientific Report shows that dog owners between the age of 40 and 80 were less likely to die of anything compared to t...Read More

April 25, 2018

Rejuvenating Spices to Look and Feel Younger!

Keeping your AGE's (advnced glycation end products a low as possible helps you look and feel younger.  AGE's are formed in food and your tissues when sugar molecules latch onto protein fibers.  This can make those fibers weak and less supple.  By keeping AGE's low you can keep your skin firm, joints ache-free and emory sharper.  It also can reduce the risk of cataracts, chronic inflammation, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

British researchers found that by taking a...Read More

April 24, 2018

3 More Nutrition Vitalizers

Strawberries stimulate the formation of healthy new skin cells and supportive collagen within 10 days.  Strawberries are a concentrated source of anthocyanins, nutrients that help the lumphatic system flush out 25 percent more cellurlar waste and strenthen the capillaries that shuttle nutrients to the skin's epidermal layer.  Yale University researchers say you could see results from nibbling on 1 cup of strawberries within 10 days.

UCLA scientists suggest that enjoying 1...Read More

April 23, 2018

3 Nutrition ReVitalizers

Superfoods can help relieve bloat, re-energize you and bring a glow to your skin. The vibrant colour of  Leafy greens such as spinach, romaine, arguula, kale and other salad greens comes from chlorophyll.  Cholorphyll neutralizes toxins in the blood stream helping your kidnesy flush out excell water wieght.  According to Standford University eating 5 cups of greens weekly raw or lightly cooked will increase your energy, stamina, focus and concentrtion by 25% in the first 7 d...Read More

April 20, 2018

Aging in Reverse

Nobel Prize winning science has revealed that autophagy which is the human being process of cleaning its cells to keep the bodily systems running efficiently and optimally.  This is comparable to when you update software on your computer, defrag, make sure you have all the anti-virus and anti-malware programs to assure you computer runs quickly and efficiently without slogging down.  

In our human bodies our cells tackle day to day functions like pumping out hormones...Read More

April 18, 2018

Mrs. Bush transitioned yesterday so we wish her a peaceful and joyful soul journey!

This life matters.  Being mindful and careful and thoughtful in consideration of all life, every species and our mother earth.  And especially being mindful and careful and throughful in your own self-care, self-kindness and self-compassion.  So today and every day start your day with the breathe of life and gratitude.  I am not sure how you plan out your days, weeks, months or if you plan at all preferring to go with the flow.  However you live just remember to br...Read More

April 17, 2018

Barbara Bush’s End-Of-Life Decision Stirs Debate Over ‘Comfort Care’

Our Soul's choose when and how we transition to the higher frequency of the next part of our Soul's journey.  What humanity called end-of-life is really the beginning of the next phase in a higher frequency that is difficult for the majority of humans to see because their gift of intuitive sight is so blocked or forgotten.

Mrs. Bush's decidsion to continue to make wise decisions for herself and her family has sparked a debate on "comfort care" with a persons right to choose th...Read More

April 15, 2018

Ageless Thrival Living with Happiness Hormones

Seratonin, oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins are four key happiness hormones produced by your brain.  They help to keep you peaceful, positive and slow the aging of your joints,, arteries and tissues.  They help you sleep and reduce chronic inflammation which is a main issue of aging.  

It is important to wakeup and breath to activate your vegas nerve which brings into a state of peace and serenity to start your day.  You can use what ever breath of life breath...Read More

April 14, 2018

The Empowerment of Gratitude

When I wake up every morning my first thought is of gratitude.  I am grateful for a peaceful sleep.  I am grateful that another new amazing day awaits me and so on.  Gratitude is the feeling of unconditional love, thankfulness and appreciation.  Unconditional love is the Universal Language of the Omniverse.  The definition of Gratitude is: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  Daily Graitude will create...Read More

April 11, 2018

Humanity - Free Range Slaves

Free Range Slaves is an interesting term isn't it.  Slavery is defined as the denial of self-determination.  Chattel Slavery is when a person is owned by another person and forced to obey them.  Chattel Slavery is about being chained and bound.  Free Range Slavery is a much more suttle psychological coding within the DNA to give Humanity the sense they are Free to choose where they live, where they work, where they go to school and so on.  This has been the evoluti...Read More

February 13, 2018

The Empowerment Series - Ageless 3

The 7 session course is designed to release limiting programs of enslavement to the patriarchal systems, power over, domination, control, suberviency, submissiveness and the seemingless endless ways we as humans are enslaved to so much on this planet.  And how the planet herself has been enslaved and as we can see has grown tired of the abuse.  You can register now for Ageless 3 in the workshop section of the site.

I love you!

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February 9, 2018

Sooke Women's Winter Retreat Special Offer

When you sign up by Monday February 12, 2018 for the recorded online Ageless 1, Ageless 2 and the Ageless 3 Empowerment series you pay $210.00 which is a savings of $249.00

Register Here

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January 22, 2018

The Creators Freedom Codes through the Empowerment Series

We are launching our new Empowerment series January 30th online at 6 p.m.  It is $70 for all Ageless members and $110.00 if you are new to the work.  Power Over, Dominance and Control are the source of every single issue we have on the planet.  What is amazing is the Time's Up and MeToo movements are all part of the our transformation from Power Over into Empowerment.  the balancing of the male and female energies.  What is interesting for women is the amount of su...Read More

December 29, 2017

Wishing You the Very Best 2018 and 11 Master Year!

2018 is an 11 Master year and this energy represents limitlessness and cooperation.  The energy is about creating and maintaining relationships that coexist with more ease and grace and can go much much smoother.  After 2017 this 2018 energy is very welcoming.  The  2018 energy represents teamwork, working and pulling together, companionship, diplomacy and romance.  The 2018 energy is charismatic, wise and intutitive bringing with it a gentleness to attract peace a...Read More

December 18, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday celebrations

Wishing you all the Merriest Christmas and Happiest Holiday celebrations with your family, friends and commnity.  I have attached a holiday season clearing gift.  2017 has been an interesting year and I feel that 2018 will be a turning point into strengthened empowerment as power over is steadily weakening.  The old world ways are hanging on by threads and as we all continue to work together in love, kindness and compassion we will evolve our entire ecosystems into peace and...Read More

August 9, 2017

flfe.net and Ocean ReOxygenation

If you want to surround yourself with focused life force energy that will help you positively enhance your home, your business and your life...Read More

Watch the Video

July 20, 2017


If you want to surround yourself with focused life force energy that will help you positively enhance your home, your business and your life and health then give flfe.net a try:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/cnwylie/ 

And for mobile:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/mobile-trial-2/cnwylie/



Emmanuel Dahger posted this video regarding the Miracle Money, Wealth and Prosperity Mantra and I thought I would share it with you.  ...Read More

July 6, 2017

Enhancing and supporting you life in the 560 of Consciousness

If you want to surround yourself with focused life force energy that will help you positively enhance your home, your business and your life and health then give flfe.net a try:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/cnwylie/ 

And for mobile:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/mobile-trial-2/cnwylie/


I love you!...Read More

May 25, 2017

Focused Life Force Energy flfe.net

If you want to surround yourself with focused life force energy that will help you positively enhance your home, your business and your life and health then give flfe.net a try:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/cnwylie/ 

And for mobile:  https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/mobile-trial-2/cnwylie/

I am grateful for my happy, healthy abundant and prosperous life!

...Read More

May 8, 2017

I Am Grateful!

When you begin each day with a series of breaths, meditation and gratitude you set your day up for peace, tranquility and miracles!

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April 19, 2017

Ageless Living 2 continued

So I started Ageless 2 last night.  The introductory money series to move from Struggle to Thrival!  This series is releasing the individual body/mine restrictions on being able to be as ageless as our Soul's.  Our DNA was wired not only for enslavement but to the separation from our Soul's.  There is zero reason that we cannot rewire our DNA to be able to hold the high vibration of consciousness levels of 560 and above.  It just means you make a committment to wan...Read More

April 3, 2017

Ageless Living Continued

So, Tuesday April 4, 2017, which would have been my mother's 83rd birthday had she lived, is the last class of the first 7-week session of the Ageless Living Journey program.  This 7-week session will focus on identifying the anti-aging and regenerative cellular limiting programs within each of the overall body and mind systems to release.  We will then have Creator download the appropriate feelings, virtues and beliefs to facilitate your body, mind and soul processing together i...Read More

February 15, 2017

Ageless Living...our souls are ageless so why not our bodies?


So why does our body age when our soul stays ageless and immortal.  That is the theme of my new pilot course Ageless...It will cost $70 once we complete the 7 weekly sessions but if you want to experience the first round you can for $25.00!

It is all about raising your personal consciousness to a level so that you can create choice of maintaining a healthy body for as long as you choose versus the current programming of...Read More

January 28, 2017

Resistance through Love


When you power up the FLFE above you create a 330ft bubble of Love and Joy at about 550...around your self and those within your radius, your home and or business...Love and Joy bring about the shift in consciousness to truly shine the brightest light to extinguish darkness of every kind.  According to Dr. Hawkins levels of consciousness:

Love Joy One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration

Loving Benign Love...Read More

January 10, 2017

My Heavenly 7 Granddaughter

My first granddaughter was born Dec. 28, 2016, Vida,  and what a gift she is.  Spitting image of my daughter when she was born.  I have 6 delightful little grandsons that I adore and I look forward to the adventures that the 7 of us get up to over the years...

Womens March January 21, 2017 - 10 am Jack Poole Plaza in Vancouver to show solidarity for our Sisters in America and around the world...We are in a big huge time shift my friends so continue to create the posi...Read More

January 3, 2017

Wishing you all the best in 2017 - New Beginnings!

January 1, 2017 saw the wrap up of a 9 year and most interesting cycle while ushering in not just the New Year but a new 9 year cycle.  So what is it that you want to create and plant seeds for this year.  Let me know and if I can help clear anything holding you back let me know!

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December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

Wishing you all the happiest holiday season.  Enjoy the love and joy of your family, friends and community.  2016 was the completion year in a 9 year cycle.  So during this festive last wee or so clear yourself of any and all that you don't want to carry into 2017.  2017 is the beginning of a brand new 9 years cycle and will bring so many positives.

I will be launching my new memberships and beginning my weekly vblog filled with love and clearings for you to enj...Read More

November 17, 2016

The Light vs the Dark

You have to remember that the light of Jesus and Creator attracts the darkness ...and the Devil and his Demons cloak themselves in the guise of Christians to seduce and manipulate and then off comes the cloak...so when you see hate of any kind that is not Christian...so keep your faith...walk your faith and love more, be kinder and more compassionate with healthy boundaries...do not allow yourself to turn a blind eye to any type of abuse ...take action in the ways you can while keepin...Read More

September 8, 2016

Energies shifting big time!

I am sure you can feel the positive changes in the energy. They are moving much more swiftly as the Feminine Energy balances the centuries old Patriarchal ruling energies of Power Over. The feminine energy as it brings balance transforms these "old boys club" Power Over energies into Empowerment for everyone.

Empowerment transforms it being all about Me to We for every life and our planet. The consciousness of our planet...Read More

August 22, 2016

Heavenly 7 grandchild is a girl!!

Traveled to Victoria, B.C. Saturday to spend time with my daughter Jennifer and her husband Glen to attend the gender reveal party Sunday afternoon...As I have six beautiful little grandsons aged 1 week to 12 years old I was beyond thrilled to get the news by pink cake that we are now having a little girl added to our growing family. I have all my daughters Barbies packed in a box with their clothes and they can't wait to get out and play...LOL

So I have been enjoying the summer...Read More

July 18, 2016

Happy Summer!

Have been enjoy some holiday time with my children and grandchildren. Working away on the member subscriptions and adding a wonderful consciousness raising energy subscription created by two amazing people. Coming Soon! Enjoy the week! Love and Light!

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July 4, 2016

Manifesting Course July 11, 12, 2016

Abundance and Prosperity!

Come and join us in beautiful West Vancouver, B.C. for the two day manifesting course so you can release limiting programs that are blocking your life of prosperity!

Also don't forget to release anything during this new moon and set your new intentions!

Love and Light!!

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June 29, 2016

Inspire, Empower and Awaken!!

Thank you Daniel and Reiko for a great Family Ties workshop on the 25th and 26th! We had a lot of fun while discovering some meaty and no longer serving ancestral beliefs. After 11 years of working on myself this workshop helped uncover some new patterns that were hidden. Amazing!

Reiko held her Akashic Records class Monday which she had condensed from a two day workshop. Really amazing learning as well. So very grateful for this insightful learning!

Trust that eve...Read More