Inspire, Empower and Awaken!

About the GAINE Center for Spritual Progress

G for Gwen Luckhurst and AINE for Elaine Wylie,
GAINE definitions:

  • To increase; grow: gained in experience and maturity
  • To become better; improve: gaining in health and all things.


The GAINE Center for Spiritual Advancement was born out of my passion for awakening consciousness and love in all who inhabit our world! The GAINE Center is a living legacy to those who taught me the lessons which helped shape me into who I AM today, particularly to my mother, godmother, and grandmother for their individual contributions to my character building during their lifetimes. And it is those amazing lessons and experiences that I share with all of you.

There are so many people who helped me GAINE my personal and career growth to today... but those who made the biggest contributions were my mother and father Elaine and Elwood Wylie, my Godmother Gwen Luckhurst, my grandmother Catherine(Kate) Payne, Suzanne and Jean DeGrasse, Jimmy SanSeverino, my children: Kyle, Jennifer, Kaitlin, Alana, and Wylie.  I now have 10 grandchildren.

When I was discussing how to name the Spiritual Progress center with my daughter Jennifer, it was important to reflect my philosophy and personal mandate to help create a sustainable future for all inhabitants of the planet.  Jennifer came up with GAINE... As GAINE, the letters of Gwen and Elaine, means moving forward, gaining wisdom through knowledge and experience as we walk along our individual journey of choice.

We were given the gift of Free Will when we were born.  We all have the choice to change our reality any time we want to as we are all Sparks of God, One with all of our world and with the Creator of all that is, while maintaining our unique individual identities. All that it requires is learning the tools to make it happen, taking action, and enjoying the results.  Literally becoming the change we want to see in the world as spoken by Gandhi.

The GAINE Center was created as a gathering place, a community of individuals and organizations committed to raising consciousness, to love and joy and peace within and without, to assure a sustainable future for all.

I love you!

Catherine Wylie
Founder, GAINE Center for Spiritual Progress
My Spiritual Consulting Services