December 31, 2022

Wishing You Joy, Peace, and Prosperity for 2023!

Well 2022 is about to roll out as 2023 rolls in.  2023 is a 7 year.  7 is the Sacred Number so it is time for even deeper reflection and release of whatever is no longer serving you.  I have a new class that is sitting in the Creator energies waiting to be downloaded so I am hoping I will have the energy to get that written soon.  It has been a difficult few years for me with my mobility blocked from overwhelming grief.  The pain levels have finally reduced by 95% and my strength grows daily.  As I have said in AgelessThrival it isn't that you won't come off your optimal health synchronicity because you might.  It is how you create, implement and maintain your return to optimal health strategy that is important.  I have the best team combining Science and Spirituality that will soon restore me to optimal mobility again.  I am healthy otherwise and so grateful to the Creator energies for that.

2023 will bring answers to many questions.  My friend Clayton and I were talking the other day and he said we haven't hit rock bottom yet in our world.  And I agreed understanding fully that the Patriarchy masters were having a great deal of difficulty letting go of control.  But letting go is the only outcome as the energies are blowing through to transform Power Over into Empowerment.  So I ask that you keep the faith when it may look so bleak you cannot imagine a way out.  But I guarantee that that no matter how dark it gets the Light will break through as the Light is the ultimate empowerment extinguishing the darkness always.  The Light is the ultimate in healing all things because it is pure unconditional Love.  So keep the faith and focus on love, kindness and compassion as we will need it.  Pluto is shifting into Aquarius anchoring further the Age of Aquarius which will help usher in the Golden Age as it anchors in 2032/33. 

I have included a Dr. Joe Dispenza mediation for welcoming in 2023 as I do not have the energy to create one for you.  I just love Dr. Joe's work.  I hope you do to.  So create 7 amazing intentional action orientated goals for yourself for 2023.  7 because its is a Sacred 7 year but of course this is your life so you can create as many as you like or none at all.  So I wish you a 2023 filled with your hearts desires.  Remember you are a Divine Spark of God, One with God the Creator and in partnership with the Creator energies.  You are empowered to create your life as you want.  It is your birthright!

I am so grateful to you.  I love you!

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