December 31, 2023

Wishing You a Joyous, Love-Filled, Prosperous 2024!

Well It has been a wild 2023 but end well as on December 14, 2023 my lawyer finally my Supreme Court into the public court domain.  I am just waiting for the date which will be fall or later 2024.  The relief in my body is tangible as all about the old Patriarchal power over of coercive control and I intend it to be a transformative accountability and consequential case not just for me but for all people subjected to this kind of abuse without justice.  The court system is very broken but to me, the rule of law is the foundation of our freedom, of democracy such as it is.

This year I will get back to writing and teaching courses as my energy is coming back strong as the pain levels have reduced by about 98%.  The pain was so bad over the last few years that my daughter would have to occasional talk me off the ledge so to speak...LOL...being in a wheelchair that is a figurative statement but the blackness was overwhelming...but as Dr. Howard says:  I AM pathologically optomistic.

We are going to see some interesting changes as the old Patriarchy attempts to hang on to power over but it is failing and transformation into empowerment is a given.  We are marching swiftly towards the anchoring down of the Golden Age in 2032/33 with no looking back.  A time of actually sharing our global resources, creating global sustainable solutions as a global family to solve our issues with food and water security first and foremost.  Regenerative Agriculture seems to be leading the way to providing the real solution to slowing down climate change so we can adjust.

Remember as much as the Patriarchy attempts to corral us into tighter control you must keep the faith and focus on love, kindness, and compassion so we transform into real freedom.  Do Not Panic!  Keep the Faith and trust as it all crumbles and seems impossible it is illusionary.  Push through and Keep the Faith!

So have an incredible New Year's Eve celebration whatever that looks like.  For me it is popcorn and a moving with my dogs Elle and baby Caragh...Caragh provides comic relief these days although Elle doesn't find her antics all that funny.  See you next year.  I am always grateful to you and surround you in love and blessings!

The youtube video source:  Tim Janis

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