June 25, 2022

Roe v Wade overturned June 24, 2022! We knew this was Coming!

As you have read over and over from me the Patriarchal paradigm has controlled our world for 6000 years or so and the darkness since the fall of Atlantis.  The Patriarcharcal time is complete but there are issues with letting go of control as we are seeing everywhere.  It is very tough to transition from Power Over into Empowerment, but the old is crumbling making way for the enlightened, progressive, and empowered new world.  Those claws gripping the walls to hold on are continuing to slip down with that horrendous blackboard scratching noise if you can imagine that.

The American Supreme Court no longer represents the whole of the United States but the ultra-conservative determined to bring us back to the 1950s.  It is so very, very sad but that isn't going to last for long.  Abortion is such a polarizing subject and understandably so.  I would love nothing more than a world that does not require abortion.  That means when I girl or woman gets pregnant there is plenty of money, mental, emotional, and physical support, education, health care, and love.  it takes a village to raise a child.  So if the so-called Pro-Lifers really were pro-life they would assure that there was free birth control for everyone, especially teenage boys and men, health care, education, great food, and good-paying jobs with benefits so that abortion did not have to be a very difficult choice.

So the overturning of Roe v Wade is not about Pro-Life but about controlling a woman's reproductive systems as per Patriarchy Rule # 2.  Rule # 1 was the old men inherit financially but in order to do that without DNA to confirm that your son was actually your biological son men had to control women's reproductive systems through ownership of us.  As women have only been declared people and not chattel since 1929 those old codes run deep in many as seen by the determination of the few on the Supreme Court.  Determined to bring back that lost control.

Personally, I want to create a world where Abortion is only about medical conditions.  I believe that we are souls incarnating into the bodies we have for our soul lessons.  We choose the family, the time, and all things about our birth and our death for those particular soul lessons.  So, we know when we choose a mother that we will either go to term and be born or we will either abort naturally or therapeutically.  We know if we are going to be terminated early and choose that anyway as that is part of our soul journey no matter the length of time in that particular cellular body.

The tides have turned on the old dinosaurs. Even though they have won this battle they won't win the war and their old ways will become permanently extinct.  So it is imperative that we cry our tears, grieve, vent, and then refocus on the goal which is to transform Power Over into Empowerment.  It means the Global sisterhood rises up with our Sisters and Brother in the US and we work together to assure that what replaces Roe v Wade and the other legislation overturned is stronger and invokably establishes empowered equality no matter your gender, sexual identity, or color.   And we will accomplish that without a doubt.  The old ones cannot change the new energies pouring in indefinitely as we approach 2032/33 which is the anchoring in of the Golden Age.  So keep the faith and figure out what you are doing to help bring in the new more enduring legislation required to secure Women's Rights...as they are Human Rights as so profoundly stated by Hillary Clinton.

In Canada, we have to establish the same invokable legislation as we have none to securely protect women's reproductive rights.  And although politically with the Liberal/NDP coalition governing the land we are ok those far-right dinosaurs are working away and we must assure them they cannot throw some chains our way.

We;ve got this because we are stronger and more empowered than the old dinosaurs.  I love you!

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