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Gaine TV > Reiki

Article from Issue #60 (August 7, 2023)

Source: Healing Hermit

This Reiki session was inspired by my Mother and the loss of her sister, as well as some comments I've received. My heart goes out to everyone that is dealing with grief. We all at some point in our lives deal with the loss of those we love, but sometimes that loss is sudden, too soon, too abrupt, or too tragic to truly process that loss. In any case, grief stays with us for all our lives. Grief is a natural part of being a human being, but often it can impact our quality of life, especially when the grief feels unbearable. Grief can even be from the life we never had, the things we never got to experience, the love that never came. It can be over the loss of abilities, talents, dreams. It can be over the obstacles in our life, the inherent struggles like depression, or anxiety, or some limitations that not everyone has in their life, it can be a grieving over what others can do and we cannot.

Grief comes in many ways over many areas of life, yet the most impactful grief seems to be over those we love, or those that never loved us, maybe we never even got the chance to experience love in the way we deserved. In any case, I hope this energy healing helps you, even if it's just a moments peace. Even if it's just to process a little bit at a time, or just giving space for you to experience the grief in the way you need.

The truth is, everyone grieves in their own way. No one can tell you how to grieve, or how you should feel. No one is you, and no one has been through your exact life experience. So during this healing, you just let yourself be as you are. The energy will help you in the way you uniquely need it.

This isn't a cure for grief, it is a support. If you need help with grieving, if it is intense and overwhelming, a grief counselor or therapist is highly recommended. May this Reiki be a support for you.

I thank all those that have watched the video and I thank all those that pray and meditate and work for the betterment and peace and well-being of all being everywhere.


Reiki and this video are not meant to be a replacement or substitute for any professional help or medical advice from a professional. Please seek professional help if you are in need of it.

Reiki is a gentle therapeutic energy healing modality that can assist us in this journey of life.

I am a Reiki Master and have been practicing energy work since 2011.

Next on Gaine TV: Powerful Pineal Gland Meditation for Third Eye Awakening (Meditation)

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