
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Issue #20

by Catherine Wylie

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Happy Easter, Passover and all of this season's celebrations! Well COVID-19 has taken over since our last issue. We trust you are staying safe and healthy. The Hathors are back with a meditation to help with the Pandemic. Global Economic shutdown so we included our Shaklee Stimulus package of earning $1000 guaranteed. It's real and easy to make happen. We added DIY facemasks, and of course our Maya White horoscopes.

So after telling us, we didn't need to wear facemasks, now its time to wear non-medical masks to help social distancing if we wore when we are outside going for made sense when this all started, as hoarding was already in play with toilet paper and some masks.  But we were told NOPE don't need them.  

So I keep hearing all about 5G is the real reason everyone is sick, that COVID-19 was bioengineered and in this world of fiction being touted as truth who knows.  But it doesn't matter the how's or the why's right now.  What matters is we learn the lessons this CoViD-19 is teaching us.  We are off the hamster-wheel and it is time to start thinking about how you want to work in this world.  How you want to live in this world.  The Hathors, as well as scientists, are clear that if we continue to destroy our Earth's ecosystem we will have more Pandemics that are deadlier.  We are now in the 6th mass extinction event which is about taking out the human blight.  Have you noticed the reporting of how fast mother earth is regenerating?  That animals are now wandering into towns.  We have to learn and take action that we are One with all ecosystems of the Omniverse.  We have to share resources with everyone throughout the world if we are to thrive and move forward as a human ecosystem.  The Patriarchal Power Over Domination and Control have brought us to this Pandemic and it is up to each of us to examine our lives and change how we live.  We can do it as our very thrival depends on it.  So stay safe and healthy.  I am grateful to you.  I love you!  Happy Holiday week and weekend!


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