
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Issue #7

by Catherine Wylie

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Image: Lilith: Healing the Wild by Tom Jacobs.

I am really excited about our interview with Tom Jacobs this month.  Tom is an evolutionary astrologer and Lilith expert.  Lilith was cast out by the Patriarchal system as she did not fit into their plan to enslave and oppress women through power over, domination and control.  Lilith is the 1st woman and fully equal to man, Adam.  Tom' goal as is mine is to assure we debunk the Patriarchal false depiction of Lilith as the "Queen of the Demons" created to assure the Patriarchy a convenient scapegoat to keep all women enslaved, submissive, subservient and as sexual slaves.  Our goal, with all those waking up to the deception, is to bring Lilith out of the dark so that she is seen, understood and felt as her true being as Queen of the Light, steward of mother earth, humanity and all species.  Transforming Power over, Domination and Control through Love into Empowerment.  Lilith is the true embodiment of the empowered balance of feminine and masculine energies.  When each of us, man and woman heal our Lilith within we will experience the true healing of humanity which will restore our planet to complete health, peace, and harmony.

We talk a little about his outstanding work.  And next month we will explore mental health in a deeper way. For far too long we have separated our mental health from our bodies and soul.  It's beyond time to cohere all together in synchronicity.

First shows for Ageless Pets and Ageless Thrival Cuisine with our Chef Geoffrey Tintinger.  We had to start somewhere and we captured the essence of fun, laid back, family healthy eating.  We need to work on the camera angles and editing, but it will all progress as we progress in each episode.  It's designed to give you overall health strategies for creating optimal lifestyles for you.

Sustainable Fashion.  Big deal as the Fashion industry is the second biggest planetary polluter next to Big Oil!

Mary and Suzanne have their monthly contributions so big gratitude for that.  Always grateful to all of you for your commitment to raising your inner consciousness so we see the rise in our collective consciousness anchoring Heaven on Earth for every life and our environment.


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